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owo_cat​ - Discord Bot


owo_cat is a simple discord bot, made with Javascript and Node.js. I currently host it with Heruko., and store it on GitHub. 


The prefix for the bot is cat, meaning that if you want to use the 'help' command you will have to put 'cat help' 


Information Commands:

help - displays all the commands

help [command] - gives more specific information about the command named (for example,  cat help cat)

invite - gives the invite link, for the user to add to their own servers

information- tells the user 'owo cat was made using javascript, by Inane Cat (c a t#2829)' and gives a link to this page

vote- sends the user a link to here, for them to vote for the bot.


Animal/Gif Themed Commands:

cat - tells the user a cat fact, and sends a gif of a cat 

bigcat - tells the user a big-cat themed fact, and sends a gif of a big cat (either a cheetah, snow leopard, lynx, bobcat, lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard, rusty-spotted cat or black-footed cat)

wildcat - tells the user a 'wild-cat' themed fact, and sends a gif of a 'wild-cat' (either a stoat, weasel, raccoon or opossum)

rodent - tells the user a rodent-themed fact, and sends a gif of a rodent (either a chinchilla, bunny, hamster, rat, mouse or guinea pig)

dog - tells the user a dog fact, and sends a gif of a dog.

pokemon - tells the user some pokemon trivia, and sends a pokemon-themed gif 


Personal Commands:

rateme - rates the user out of ten (10)!

compliment - compliments the user ^-^

unsettling compliment - gives the user a,,, special compliment.

hug - hugs the user :D

pfp - sends the users profile picture/avatar


Other Commands:

facts - tells the user a random fact

flipcoin - flips a two (2) sided coin (heads or tails) and sends the result.

rolldice - rolls a twelve (12) sided dice and sends the result.



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