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Atychiphobia is a RPG made in RPG Maker MV for the 'GameDev Insiders Jam #1'. The theme for the jam was if you stop you die, so I interpreted this theme to be if you stop working you fail, with failure being the replacement for death. 


In the game, you are walking around a house environment and on the walls is writing, which represents 'the voice inside your head' and the writing on the floor is your response. For Example, the walls may say 'Pathetic' and you can respond with either 'im trying' or 'im sorry'. When you start, the writing on the walls is in capital letters and you are in lowercase. As you start getting stronger and standing up for yourself, your letters become capital and the wall's letters are in lowercase. 


The art was made in mainly photoshop, and I used Piskel and FireAlpaca occasionally because I am more used to those software. The art is monochrome, with white walls and a grey floor and the player is also grey. The only colours involved are the reds for the text, and a red border separating the floor and the wall. 


Development: Three Days


Release Date: 26th October 2020


Software Used: RPG Maker MV, Photoshop, Piskel, FireAlpaca and Musescore

Platform: Browser, Windows, Mac, Linux


Game Link: 


Jam Link: 


Game Music: 

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